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The importance of email marketing to increase sales and growth

The importance of email marketing to increase sales and growth

Email marketing
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Prepare Email marketing (Email marketing) is one of the most important marketing channels and the most effective way to communicate with customers and potential customers and increase sales, but unfortunately, many business owners and marketers, especially in Arab countries, do not realize the importance of this powerful marketing tool and prefer to focus on marketing through social media and paid ads. 

Although the latest studies say that Return on investment for email marketing It's $38 per $1 compared to $2.80 per $1 for paid campaigns across different social media platforms. 

The difference is huge, isn't it? 

In this article, we will explore the importance of email marketing, best practices, types of emails, campaign strategies, and the key factors that contribute to successful email marketing.

What is email marketing 

Email marketing is one Inbound Marketing Strategies  It is based on the use of e-mail as a means of communication and interaction with potential customers and existing customers. This approach is effective in building and strengthening business relationships and increasing brand awareness, as it allows companies to send direct marketing and advertising messages.

Through email marketing, companies can offer diverse content that includes: 

  • special offers
  • discount vouchers
  • Industry news of interest to clients
  • Updates on its products and services

and other valuable content intended to capture the interest of recipients and motivate them to take action.

Email marketing is based on analyzing and evaluating the response of recipients to messages, such as open rate and click rates, and allows companies to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and adjust their strategies based on data and statistics.

The importance of email marketing 

1. Direct communication with the public: 

Email marketing allows you to reach your target audience directly, and get your message to their inbox with ease, this direct communication increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion. 

2. High return on investment (ROI): 

Email marketing ranks as one of the highest return on investment marketing strategies. The relatively low cost of sending emails combined with the potential for significant revenue makes it a cost effective way to promote your products or services.

3. Building and nurturing relationships: 

Email campaigns provide a platform to build and nurture relationships with your audience. By consistently providing valuable content, you can build trust, credibility, and loyalty.

4. Personalize messages: 

Email marketing allows you to segment your audience based on various factors, such as demographics, behaviors, and preferences. This segment enables you to send personalized and relevant messages, which increases engagement and conversion chances.

5. Efficiency and automation: 

Modern email marketing platforms offer automation features that streamline your marketing efforts, and enable you to set up automated workflows to send personalized messages based on user actions or time intervals, saving you time and effort.

6. Increase traffic to your website/store: 

Effective email campaigns can drive traffic to your website, store or blog, increasing your online presence. By including links to your latest blog posts, store products, or new services on the site, you encourage your subscribers to explore more.

7. Measurable results and statistics: 

Email marketing provides detailed analytics that allow you to track open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. These insights help you improve your marketing strategy and optimize future campaigns for better results.

8. Generate and convert leads: 

Email marketing serves as a powerful lead generation tool. By offering valuable content or incentives for email signups, you can grow your subscriber list and convert leads into paying customers over time.

Read also: 10 tips for writing a persuasive email  

Advantages of email marketing 

  • Builds deep relationships with existing customers as well as increasing brand awareness 
  • Higher conversion rate than any other marketing channel which makes it the best choice for businesses aiming to increase cash flow.
  • Greater return on investment (ROI) with an average return of $36 for every $1 spent.
  • Customize emails based on recipient information
  • It allows companies to reach potential and existing customers directly in their inboxes.
  • It offers direct and personal communication, suitable for different strategies such as newsletters, welcome messages etc..

Types of emails

1. Welcome messages: 

Welcome messages are usually sent within 24 hours of joining the email list and include expressing appreciation, providing general information about your business, including photos/videos, or links to blog content. 

2. Marketing messages  

Purpose: Promote products, services or offers to subscribers, include attractive visuals, clear call-to-action (CTA), links to landing pages, product-related information.

3. Transactional messages 

Provide customers with basic information about their transactions, orders or accounts, for example: order confirmations, shipping and billing details, receipts and account activity notifications.

4. Newsletters

Share valuable content and updates with your subscribers eg: educational articles, news, upcoming promotions.

5. Abandoned cart messages 

Their purpose is to remind customers of the remaining items in their shopping cart and encourage them to complete their purchase. These messages may include product images, attractive offers, direct links to the shopping cart.

Read also: Customer Reminders How to remind your customers of abandoned carts 

6. Post activation messages

Its purpose is to win back inactive subscribers and encourage them to re-engage with the brand. You can activate posts by offering: special offers, personalized recommendations, compelling subject lines.

7. Survey messages 

Their purpose is to gather ideas and feedback from your customers to improve your products or services, and include well-designed surveys, clear instructions, and incentives to participate.

8. Messages for personal events 

Such as messages celebrating special occasions for subscribers by offering discounts, customized gifts, exclusive offers.

9. The lettersl educational 

This type of message aims to educate users about products or services and help them get the most value. It includes tutorials, how-to guides, and tips for using the product or service effectively.

Each type of email serves a specific purpose in your email marketing strategy, allowing you to interact with your subscribers effectively and drive them to desired actions. 

Email marketing strategy: 

1. Set your goals. 

What are your aspirations for your email marketing efforts? Are you aiming to boost your website/store traffic, generate leads, or increase sales? Once your goals are clear, you can design your email campaigns to align with those goals.

2. Define your audience: 

Who is the target audience you want to receive your messages? Once you know your target audience, you can create relevant and interesting content for them.

3. Build your mailing list: 

Grow Your Email List: Sending emails requires a mailing list and an audience. There are many strategies for building your email list, such as offering downloadable resources, hosting contests, or promoting your email opt-in form through the website and social media channels.

4. Choose a platform that helps you with your email marketing: 

There are a number of email marketing platforms available, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Do some research to find a platform that fits your needs and budget.

5. Select the types of emails you want to send:

 There are many different types of emails that you can send, such as newsletters, promotional messages, welcome messages, and others that were explained in the previous paragraph. The types of emails you send depend on your goals and target audience.

6. Set a schedule for sending emails:

 How often should you send letters to your mailing list? It depends on your goals and target audience. Some companies send emails daily, while others send them weekly or monthly.

7. Develop your email content.

 The content of your emails should be informative and compelling, and it should also be relevant to your target audience.

8. Format your email content: 

 Your email should be well-formatted and easy to read. Use clear fonts and images, and make sure your call-to-action stands out.

9. A/B testing: 

Before you send out emails to your entire list, test it on a small group of people first. This will help you identify any problems and ensure that your emails are effective.

10. Track Results:

 It is important to track your results so you can see what works and what doesn't. This will help you improve your email marketing campaigns over time.

Additional tips for incorporating email marketing into your strategy:

Take advantage of email automation tools: 

Automating processes can save time and make it easier to deliver personalized emails. For example, you can set up automated emails to welcome new subscribers, or send out abandoned cart emails.

Personalize your emails: 

Personalization is the key to making your emails more attractive and effective. You can customize your emails with the recipient's name, location, or interests.

Promote to subscribe to your mailing list: 

You can promote your subscription to the mailing list through social media or through pop-ups on your website/e-store. 

Follow the laws that regulate email marketing: 

Make sure your emails comply with the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR regulations, and include a link to unsubscribe.

By following these steps, you can begin to effectively integrate email marketing into your marketing plan and reach your target audience with targeted and relevant content.

The main factors for the success of email marketing campaigns

Building and managing a high quality email list:

  • Obtain explicit consent from recipients to receive emails, ensuring compliance with anti-spam regulations.
  • Segment your email list into relevant groups based on demographics, behaviors, or preferences to deliver personalized content.
  • Remove inactive subscribers to maintain list quality and improve deliverability.
  • Make it easy for your users to sign up with clear CTAs, simple forms, and minimal information required.

Craft compelling email content:

  • Personalization: Use recipient names, past interactions, and preferences to create personalized subject lines and content.
  • Grab attention with concise, intriguing subject lines that convey value or urgency.
  • Clearly communicate your value proposition, keeping email content relevant to your recipients' interests.
  • Design emails that display well on different devices.

Design and Visual Attraction:

  • Clean Layout: Use an organized design with clear hierarchy, which makes it easy for recipients to read and understand the message.
  • Incorporate relevant photos, videos, and graphics that reinforce the message and create a visually engaging experience.
  • Keep consistent branding elements such as color scheme, fonts, and logos.
  • Create CTAs that are clear, engaging, and direct recipients to the desired action.

Effective email writing:

  • Create concise, scannable paragraphs with bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs for easy readability.
  • Address recipients' pain points and offer solutions, benefits or promotions to drive engagement.
  • Using persuasion techniques and psychological stimuli such as scarcity, urgency, and social evidence.

Transmission timing:

  • Experiment with different submission times, and use analytics to determine the optimal schedule for your audience.
  • Divide your list by time zone to ensure that your emails reach your recipients at the right time.
  • Avoid sending too many emails, which can lead to unsubscribing or lower engagement.

A/B Testing and Continuous Improvement: 

  • Continually test different elements such as subject lines, calls to action, images, and post times to determine what works best for your audience.
  • Metrics Analysis Regularly analyze your open rates, CTR, conversion rates and other relevant metrics to improve your approach.
  • Use the insights gained from testing and analysis to improve your email marketing strategy and adapt to changing subscriber behaviors.


Remember, email marketing is an ongoing process that requires careful planning, thoughtful execution, and a commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of your audience. By focusing on these key factors, you can create impactful campaigns that drive engagement and conversions and build lasting customer relationships.


The most important email marketing platforms

  • mailchimp The most important platform for creating advertising campaigns and sending them via email. It offers a wide range of features, including email templates, automation, and analytics and is a good choice for businesses of all sizes, and has a free plan for up to 500 subscribers.
  • HubSpot CRM: is a CRM platform that also offers email marketing features, a good choice for companies that want to integrate email marketing with their CRM data. I have a free plan for up to 1000 contacts.


  • GetResponse It is a powerful email marketing platform with a wide range of features. Offering email templates, automation, and analytics, it's a good choice for businesses of all sizes.

These are just a few of the many email marketing platforms available. You can choose the best platform for you based on your specific needs and budget.

Some factors to consider when choosing an email marketing platform

  • Features: Make sure the platform offers the features you need, such as email templates, segmentation, automation, and analytics.
  • Ease of use: The platform should be easy to use, even if you don't have a lot of email marketing experience.
  • Price: Pricing for email marketing platforms can range from free to hundreds of dollars per month. Choose a platform that fits your budget.
  • Support: Ensure that the platform offers good customer support in case of any questions or problems.


Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It is cost effective, accessible and has a high return on investment.

By following best practices, leveraging email marketing platforms, and addressing potential challenges, companies can find success and create meaningful connections with their target audience.


Learn how to grow your business with email marketing!

We have helped many companies achieve their marketing goals through our email marketing service. 

With our help you can:

Increase email open rates by 20%

Increase your click-through rates by 30%

Generate more leads and sales

Save time and money on your marketing efforts

Click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts!



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