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10 tips for writing a persuasive email

10 tips for writing a persuasive email

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10 tips for writing a persuasive email

More than 293 billion emails are exchanged daily around the world. This huge number confirms the prevalence of email in our personal and professional lives, and what is even more surprising is that this number is expected to rise to 347 billion daily emails by the end of 2023. 

This reflects significant growth The importance of email As an effective marketing method, as digital marketing, its strategies and channels continue to develop, email remains among the most effective marketing strategies that have maintained their power and influence and achieved amazing results for companies in various industries for years. 

In this article, we'll explore the essential components of crafting a persuasive email message template, whether you're crafting a message for a campaign Generate leads Or email customers who have abandoned their cart (Reminder messages to customers), you need to make sure your email content meets these conditions for maximum impact and the highest open rate. 


What makes email professional and distinctive 

In the midst of a flood of emails, your email content must be distinctive and attract customers to click on it and interact with it. These are the most important tips for writing a professional email. 

Tips for writing a clear and compelling subject line 

A clear, compelling subject line is the primary gateway to getting email recipients to engage. It plays a pivotal role in determining whether your email will be opened or sent straight to the trash folder. To write a clear, compelling subject line, follow these tips:

  • Brevity The subject line should be brief and to the point, avoiding long and complex subject lines. 

For example: If you're promoting a 20% discount on a new product, your short subject line might be “Exclusive 20% OFF – Limited Time!”

  • Relevance : The subject line must match the content of the email. If your subject line promises a specific offer or information then your email content should deliver on that promise. 

For example: If your subject line says “new skis for 2023 new collection,” the email should exclusively showcase the new collection.

  • Attracts attention : The subject line should arouse the recipient's curiosity or interest. Use powerful words, interesting questions, or phrases to grab attention. 

For example: “Viral marketing secrets” is more attractive than “viral marketing.”

  • Customization : Consider customizing the subject line with the recipient's name or other relevant information. 

For example: “Abdulaziz, you have a discount coupon worth 300 SAR” looks more personalized and attractive than a generic subject line.

  • Urgency  : Subject lines that convey urgency often perform higher compared to traditional ones.

For example: “Abdulaziz, you have a discount coupon worth 300 riyals for one day only” creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity.


Tips for writing email content (Body) 

It's not just the subject line that bears the burden of grabbing the reader's attention; The email copy itself plays a pivotal role in maintaining this interest and guiding the reader toward meaningful engagement. Ask yourself whether you apply these tips in your marketing messages 

Relevance and relevance:  

  • Explain the rationale for communication: The opening paragraphs of your email should highlight the reason behind your message. By providing a compelling reason for your email message, you capture the reader's interest. Consider this example:

Imagine that you are a real estate agent communicating with a client interested in real estate. Your email could begin with something like: “In light of your clear interest in owning a luxury apartment in Dubai, we are excited to offer a unique opportunity that perfectly matches your preferences.”

  • Accurate understanding of audience needs: Effective email copy hinges on carefully understanding your audience's needs and preferences. Your content should reflect this understanding and be tailored to address the specific interests and desires of your readers. 

For example: If you are an e-commerce business and send out promotional emails, your copy might reflect a careful understanding of your audience’s preferences by noting, “We found that you are fond of tech gadgets. We are pleased to introduce our latest range of cutting-edge devices, designed to enhance your digital lifestyle.” “

  • The power of customizationPersonalization in email marketing extends beyond simply including the recipient's name. It delves into the world of personalized content that aligns with the recipient's unique characteristics and interests. 

Here's an example: Let's say you're a fitness center that communicates and has a diverse group of clients. Your email might use personalization by segmenting your audience based on their fitness goals. 

For those interested in losing weight, your copy could say: “We understand your weight loss journey, and we are here to support you with our specialized weight loss programs.”

This personal approach speaks directly to the recipient's aspirations, creating a deep connection.

  • Use the second person pronoun : Featuring the pronouns “you,” “your,” and “yours,” this perspective promotes a more personalized and relatable style, creating a sense of individual engagement. 

For example: In a financial institution's email address to customers, the use of third person perspective could be represented as follows: “We realize that managing your money efficiently is a top priority, which is why we are pleased to introduce our new online budgeting tool that enables you to Take control of your financial future.”

By directly addressing the reader's interests and aspirations, email becomes a personal conversation rather than a general communication.

Focus on benefits more than features

To write a persuasive email it is not enough to simply enumerate the features of a product or service to persuade the recipient to make a decision, the focus should be on explaining the benefits they can gain. 

This strategic shift from features to benefits differentiates your mail with a compelling narrative that matches the recipient's wants and needs. To understand the difference between features and benefits consider an email from a clothing retailer offering a selection of shorts.

An email can emphasize features by listing attributes such as fabric quality, color options, and design elements. However, to truly convince the recipient, the focus must shift to the benefits.

In the revised email, the content can highlight the practical advantages of these shorts. 

For example: It might mention the following: “Our new collection of multi-use shorts can be worn at home. They are comfortable and flexible. You can also use them at the gym or on trips with friends. They are comfortable, practical and elegant.”

In this example, the email does more than just describe the product. It paints a vivid picture of the benefits, such as convenience and flexibility, that the recipient will experience. This approach speaks directly to the recipient's lifestyle and preferences, creating a more compelling story.


Brevity is a powerful tool. It involves conveying the message concisely, respecting the recipient’s time, and directing his attention efficiently. Brevity achieves several benefits, including: 

  • effective communication: Mail recipients use short, specific messages to highlight a limited offer, such as “Last Chance: Free lattes when you order cheesecake!” This style attracts the recipient's interest without overwhelming him with details.
  • Calls the user to take action: You can follow up your message directly with a call to action, such as “Order now.” This clarity guides the recipient to the next step.

A brief message has a more significant impact, especially for time-sensitive offers where recipients are encouraged to act quickly to enjoy a free latte.

A clear call to action (CTA) button

A call to action (CTA) plays a big role in directing the recipient towards the desired action and generating more conversions 

Best practices for effective CTA

  • Clarity is key : Make sure your CTA is crystal clear. Use concise, action-oriented words.
  • Discrimination Make your CTA visually distinctive. Use contrasting colours, buttons or text to ensure it stands out in your email.
  • Customization : Customize your CTA to meet your recipient's needs or pain points. Tailoring a CTA to an individual enhances its effectiveness.
  • A/B testing Experiment and A/B test your calls to action to determine what resonates best with your audience. Small differences in text, color, or placement can greatly impact the success of your email campaign.
  • Mobile phone responsiveness : Make sure your CTA is mobile responsive. With the increasing use of mobile devices, a mobile-friendly CTA is crucial for a seamless user experience.
  • Urgency and FOMO : Create a sense of urgency with your CTA. Limited-time offers or exclusive deals can trigger immediate action, while fear of missing out (FOMO) can be a compelling motivator.
  • Strategic placement : Place CTA strategically in the email. Popular options are above the fold or at the end of compelling content.


Implementing these tips into your email marketing strategy will not only improve your open and click-through rates, but will also enhance the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. 

Learn how to grow your business with email marketing!

We have helped many companies achieve their marketing goals through our email marketing service. 

With our help you can:

Increase email open rates by 20%

Increase your click-through rates by 30%

Generate more leads and sales

Save time and money on your marketing efforts

Click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts!


What role does personalization play in email subject lines and content?

Personalization is the foundation of effective email marketing, and it involves more than just entering the recipient's name. This extends to segmenting and customizing content to meet the needs of specific audience segments, which promotes deeper communication and enhanced engagement. A perfect example of this can be found in e-commerce companies that use personalization to not only address recipients by name but also provide specific product recommendations based on their browsing and purchasing history. By doing so, they create a more personalized and engaging email experience.

How do you balance clarity and appeal in subject lines?

Email marketers face the challenge of balancing clarity and appeal in subject lines. The key is to make sure the subject line clearly conveys value while maintaining an element of suspense. Clarity should never be sacrificed for attractiveness, as it forms the basis of the recipient's trust. A good example of this balance can be seen in a marketing email titled “Get 20% savings on your next purchase.” It effectively communicates value (20% savings) while enticing the recipient to open the email for more details.

How do you balance brevity and clarity in email copy?

Brevity in email copy can be balanced with comprehensive communication by persuasively summarizing key points and directing readers to the website for more information. The goal is to provide enough information to prompt action without overwhelming the reader. A suitable example of this is an email from a news organization that summarizes the day's most important stories in a succinct manner and includes a "Read More" link for those interested in detailed coverage. This approach respects the recipient's time while offering them the option to dig deeper.

What makes email marketing a powerful tool?

Email marketing remains a powerful tool even in 2023. Despite the evolution of communication channels, email remains an essential means of interaction for many individuals, making it an important channel for business communication and marketing. Effective email marketing strategies consistently yield impressive results in terms of engagement, lead generation, and conversions. For example, think about how a B2B company can leverage email to nurture leads and make communication with potential customers easier. And through well-designed email campaigns, they continue to see noticeable results, underscoring the enduring importance of email marketing.



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