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Recovering lost customers (reminder messages for customers)

Recovering lost customers (reminder messages for customers)

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Recovering lost customers (reminder messages for customers)

The average cart abandonment rate across various industries was around 68% last year, and this is a significant percentage that must be taken into account. There are many Strategies to overcome abandoned carts You can benefit from them to achieve growth and an increase in sales 

Remember that every abandoned cart has a different reason, and minor improvements can lead to significant results.

In this article, we will discuss one of the best methods to recover potential lost customers, which is Reminder messages to customers with their abandoned carts. 

What are the reminder messages to customers about abandoned carts? 

They are a set of messages sent to customers who have added products to their shopping cart but did not complete the purchase. 

These messages serve as a gentle reminder to customers who did not complete the purchase for one reason or another. This strategy is among the most powerful, and it is used by the largest companies and e-commerce stores to boost their sales.

A study from Klaviyo indicates that businesses that leverage email messages to recover shopping carts retrieve between 3% to 14% of the abandoned sales, with an average revenue of $5.81 per customer.

At first glance, the number may not seem significant, but when you calculate the number of abandoned carts in your store annually, you'll find that it's a figure worth taking some simple steps for. 

What is the content of the reminder messages to customers? 

The content of these messages typically includes the following elements:

  • Friendly reminder: The message starts with a friendly tone to remind the customer that they left items in their shopping cart.
  • Product details: Specific details about the remaining products in the shopping cart are mentioned, including names, images, and quantities, to jog the customer's memory.
  • Value proposition: Messages often highlight the benefits of the products, emphasizing the reasons why the customer should complete the purchase.
  • Urgency: To encourage the customer to make a quick decision, a sense of urgency is conveyed, highlighting limited stock, an upcoming sale ending, or other time-sensitive factors.
  • Call to Action (CTA) phrase: A clear and prominent CTA phrase is provided, linking directly to the customer's shopping cart to complete the purchase.
  • Personalization: Using the customer's name and tailored product recommendations can enhance engagement with the customer.
  • Incentives: Some messages offer discounts, free shipping, or other incentives to entice the customer to complete the purchase.
  • Trust signals: Including trust elements like customer reviews, return policies, and secure payment information can enhance confidence.
  • Contact information: Contact details for customer support are often included in case the customer has any questions.


These email messages not only jog the customers' memory about their pending purchases but also encourage them to resume and complete their transactions. 

Enhancing the cart abandonment email messages with incentives such as discount coupons, product images, and compelling CTA buttons can effectively guide users toward the purchasing process.

When should reminder messages be sent and how many times should they be sent? 

To effectively re-engage potential customers who have left their carts, the timing and frequency of reminders play an important role. Based on best practices, three reminders should be sent to the customer:

  • Initial Reminder: Send the first reminder within an hour or two after the cart is abandoned. This ensures that the product is still on the customer's mind and increases the likelihood of them returning to complete the purchase.
  • Subsequent Reminders: The following reminders can be spaced out to strike a balance between reminding and not overdoing the frequency. A common strategy is to send messages after one hour, 24 hours, and 72 hours. This approach can significantly enhance the performance of your campaign.
  • Frequency: Sending three reminders seems to be the effective number, as it maintains contact with customers without being overly persistent or bothersome.

When drafting the content for these reminders, remember to make them appealing and relevant. Consider including incentives or promotional offers to further entice customers to complete their purchases.

There are many tools, solutions, and software available to help merchants and businesses send reminders to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts.

Tools that help you send reminders to customers 

Drip: A comprehensive marketing automation tool that helps recover abandoned carts by creating customized email and text message workflows.

Omnisend: It provides customized emails to regain customers who left products in their shopping carts. The software also tracks email addresses to efficiently recover the cart.

PrestaShop: It features a cart abandonment reminder module and an email tool that allows e-merchants to send automatic emails and recover potential sales.

In addition to these tools, there are other solutions and practices available. They range from understanding customer behavior, improving the checkout process, and offering alternatives for cart recovery.

Explore a comprehensive set of tools designed to enhance customer understanding, simplify payment processes, and provide innovative solutions for cart recovery. Get a free consultation from e-commerce and marketing experts. Ensure that your marketing messages reach the right audience at the right time with our advanced process automation program. Get a demo. .






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